Friday, August 26, 2016

Week 34 The first full week of school

Some of us enjoyed playing on the football pitch . 

We have just completed our first full week of 2nd grade. Here are some highlights.

Others enjoyed the jungle gym.

In the classroom there was a lot going on. We made backpack glyphs and self portraits. 

And worked hard!

In Music we played hide the key and had to find it listening to Music tones.
There's a lot to remember in 2nd grade. We need to watch the clock and come in on time.
We have two gym lessons a week with Emma! We need to remember our gym clothes now on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

We worked with time and the clock and also worked with long vowel sounds.

Happy Friday and thank you for reading 2B's blog. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Parents' meeting info

Välkomna på föräldramöte!
Tisdagen den 30 augusti kl. 18 är det dags för föräldramöte.
I år har alla klasser på Johannes skola föräldramöte samtidigt. Då vi vet att många har barn i andra årskurser skulle vi vilja veta ungefär hur många som kommer.
Svara med vändande mejl.
Tvåornas korridor, Klassrum: 2B

Vi kommer att starta upp tillsammans alla i årskurs två för allmän information för att sedan dela upp oss klassvis.

Presentation av arbetslaget
Lgr 11

Vi hoppas på en givande kväll!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Welcome to back to school!!!

I sent this paper home with most of the students today, in case you are interested :-)

This is also a test for the blog.

Welcome to 2B's blog!
Here you can read about what's been happening in class 2B at Johannes School. To make it easier sign up a weekly notification so you don't miss out on what's happening! It's  a 3 step process...
1. Type in your email in the space just below the title of this blog. Click on submit.
2  Type the letters/numbers you see.
3. Receive an email and click on the link.

The blog is written mainly by the students on Fridays and the pages (Schedule, upcoming events etc) are written by our teachers (Katarina, Karin and Hillary).

There are a few things that your child should have in school....

indoor shoes
extra clothes/socks in a shoebox that will be kept in the classroom
empty pencil case
rain clothes