Upcoming Events

Week 23

👉 Attention!! Written assessments can be seen on Skolwebb from June 9th. If you look now, you will notice that Naiyya's name is still on each subject. 

5-6/6 No school
End of term!
End of term ceremony on the 9th June is as follows:
9:00 mingle/drop in for those that were not able to look at their child’s work.
Summer homework will be given out then.
9:15  activity in the classroom
9:45 Students go out to the schoolyard and find seats as a class.
10:00 ceremony

After the ceremony, there is nothing planned as 2nd grade teachers are expected to help with the clear up.

week 22
1/6 All library books need to be turned in to the library!
31/5 Old Fashioned School Day

Week 21
24/5 Little Olympics!! 
Lilla Johannes OS

Plats:             Johannes BP.

Tid:               Onsdagen den 24:e maj.
TÀvlingarna pÄgÄr mellan 08.40-13.00. Vi börjar med att varje klass tÄgar in och stÀller upp klassvis. DÀrefter kommer vi att ha en gemensam uppvÀrmning innan tÀvlingarna börjar kl. 9.00.

Det Àr viktigt att alla Àr dÀr i tid sÄ att vi kan hÄlla tidsschemat. Vi berÀknar att vara klara med grenar och prisutdelning ca. 13.00.

Klassen kommer att tillsammans med pedagogen genomföra följande moment:
Löpning 50 meter
Kast med liten boll
Vi avslutar med en gemensam stafett.

Lunch:          Lunch Ă€ter vi i matsalen enligt ordinarie schema. Ta med vattenflaska!

KlĂ€der:          BekvĂ€ma klĂ€der och skor som passar att idrotta i.

Övrigt:          Pris kommer delas ut till den klass som under dagen peppar varandra, gör sitt bĂ€sta, deltar och har en bra hejaramsa.

                      6A kommer att vara funktionĂ€rer vid de olika grenarna.

                                            Har ni frĂ„gor Ă€r ni vĂ€lkomna att kontakta nĂ„gon av oss idrottslĂ€rare!

22/5 Drop in "Open Classroom" 14:30-15:30
Come and sit with you child and look through your child's work. Take things that are not needed. 

Week 20
Tuesday 16/5 National Book Exchange Day! 
Tuesday May 16th is Big Book Exchange Day! Students can bring one or more books from home that they no longer want to keep, and turn them in to their class teacher by Thursday May 11th. The books can be in English or Swedish, but please make sure they aren’t missing any pages. On Book Exchange Day, classes will visit the book exchange station in the auditorium, and the students can choose as many new books as they brought in. By getting a book they’ve never read before for free, we are hoping to encourage reusing instead of consumption, and get the kids excited about reading!

Week 19
9/5 Fritidshemmets dag! Fair in the playground
10/5 Last swimming day!

Week 17 
26/4 swimming
27/4 Outside gym! Be sure to wear clothes to be outside! check the weather!
28/4 Student council meeting 10:00-10:40 Week 16
Monday 17/4 School is closed.  
School begins again at 8:20 on Tuesday 18/4. 

Week 15 Spring Holidays School is closed. 
week 14

week 13

Week 12

Week 11
17/3 St Patrick's Day
14/3 PI day
13/3-  KĂ€llkritikens dag
Week 8
Tuesday 21/2
Modern Museum
We will be visiting the Modern Museum on 21/2. Our time at the museum is at 9:00. On that day we will need to leave school at 8:00. Please meet Katarina and Hillary on the football field at 8:00. Unfortunately, we cannot take lunches from school because of the time, so  your child will need a packed lunch with them. 

Week 7
Thursday 16/2
Skating at Östermalmsidrottsplats. If there are any parents that would like to join us please let me know. I have had a few people that have volunteered to help during the day. 😎 We'll leave at about 8:45 and should be back by 13:00ish.  Our skating time with Emma/Hanna is 10:00-11:00 Parents can also meet us there to help tie skates.  Of course there may be changes due to the weather. Your child will need a packed lunch, skates, small towel to dry the skates afterwards, appropriate clothing for the weather, helmet. 

The school has a collection of skates in different sizes if you or your child would like to borrow some. We have a limited number of helmets though. Please let me know as soon as possible if you do want to borrow. 

Week 6
Parent Meeting Tuesday 7th February: Please note that the parent meeting has been changed from 14th to the 7th February. A parent meeting is schedule from 18:00-19:00. The meeting will be set up in discussion groups. The groups will be made up of parents from different classes. 

Development talks with students and parents. A schedule was sent out last Thursday. Please confirm your time with Hillary. 

Week 5
Thursday 2/2 Hillary away on a course all day.  Week 3 
Swimming lessons:
All 2nd grade students will be going swimming at Eriksdalsbadet every Wednesday this term starting with 18/1. This means that there won't be indoor gym on Tuesdays. There will be changes to the schedule but the ending times will most likely stay the same. 

The first swimming lesson there will be 3 teachers/educators  going with them afterwards Hillary will not go with them. 

Students will need the following:
bathing cap (if their hair is long and you don't want them to get it wet. There may not be time to dry it fully)

Week 51
21 December School day is 8:20-13:30. Parents are welcome to stay for a short assembly in the schoolyard at 8:20. Students should meet in the classroom at 8:10 with their outdoor clothing on! Parents should be in the schoolyard. 

After the assembly, we will gather hopefully by the benches before going up to the classroom. We have a busy day with a Christmas show, dance in the gym, traditional julbord for lunch. 

Week 50
End of term "fika" - Those students that had their birthday June1-Dec 31 may bring in something to share with the class if they want to. No nuts and something that is already divided so that it can easily be distributed. 

Dec 13- Lucia Day

Students in 2B will  be watching the 2nd performance at 8:45. That means they should enter the school by the front entrance only when the first perfomance is finished at approximately 8:20. Students that need to come to school earlier need to be in school by 7:50 at the latest and go directly to the classroom. This is due to safety reasons since there will be lit candles at the perfomances. Those students that go to morning fritids will go up to the classroom. 

Those students that are in Lucia need to be at school at 7:00. 

Week 49
There are extra Lucia practices for choir

Week 48
Monday 28/11: We are off to the Technical Museum to look at the solar system exhibition and answer some questions. I've ordered lunches (pancakes) for the class. Of course if you want to add something small  to it you may (a drink, fruit and/or sandwich). We'll be leaving around 10:00 and we'll be back by the end of school at 13:50.

Week 47
Afternoon snack times have changed to 14:30 everyday. 

Week 46
Wednesday 16/11- I've spoken to the class about this and we've come up with a way for everyone to be happy! Some students wanted to do a special independent project about space, others wanted to continue with a space costume or other space related costume. So the project is open for everything. There are no guidelines with this project. They may do basically whatever they would like within the topic of space. They'll also stand up and tell about what they've done in a afew sentences. 

Week 45

Week 44 Autum break School is closed.

Week 43
24/10  UN celebration....Students may wear a national costume or homemade costume showing a country of their choice. Of course be creative!

Next week the school will have a visitor from UNICEF. If you have any coins to donate please send them in before Thursday. 

Till Johannes skolas alla vÄrdnadshavare!

Vi lever just nu i en tid dÄ mÀnniskor och i synnerhet barn ute i vÀrlden har det mycket svÄrt pÄ grund av krig, svÀlt, naturkatastrofer och sjukdomar.
VÄra barn matas dagligen via radio och teve med intryck frÄn jordens alla oroshÀrdar och misÀrer.
MĂ„nga barn kĂ€nner starkt inför livets orĂ€ttvisa och undrar ”Vad kan jag göra”?
Kanske kÀnner de sig ganska smÄ och obetydliga inför det stora behovet som rÄder.
I samband med FN – dagen kan alla fĂ„ en chans att kĂ€nna att man Ă€ndĂ„ gjort nĂ„got.
Skolan kan tillsammans hjÀlpas Ät med en insamling av mynt som ÀndÄ ska ut ur ruljangsen nÀsta Är.
Vi föreslÄr att alla som vill, tar med sig mynt till skolan för att göra en gemensam insamling till UNICEF.
I detta fall Àr det alltsÄ inte vÀrdet av pengarna som styr utan tyngden av mynten.
Hur tung blir varje klass bidrag? Ingen ska ta med sig mer Àn max 10kr.
SjÀlvklart Àr det en frivillig insats.

Med vÀnlig hÀlsning

Johannes skola

28/10 Halloween celebrations...Students may dress up for Halloween.   

Students may bring in no more than 20kr worth of candy. Remember that we have allergies in school and everything containing nuts are completely forbidden.

The goal is that all students  in all grades will have a fun experience. Therefore, we do not use full masks, weapons or excessively bloody costumes.

Week 42

Week 41
10-11/ 10  Hillary is away on a course
13/10 Homework due (calendar tasks and reading log)
14/10   Change seats in the classroom

Fritids lovlappar!!!!LÀmnas till klasslÀraren/fritidspersonalen senast fredagen 14 oktober

Week 40
Fire safety week
Wednesday 5/10   Fire drill

6/10 Homework due!

Week 39
29/9 No gym 

29/9 Every Thursday 14:20-15:00 students will be able to come to the classroom and work with something they would  like to in the classroom. I will ask them every Thursday if they will be attending on that day. They do not have to come every Thursday but once they decide and I they are on the list they may not change their mind.

Week 38 

Nurse Inga will be coming by on 20/9. She will be meeting with each child either on the 20/9 or 3/10. She'll be doing height and weight measurements and talking about school in general with them.

IDP talks continue Monday and Tuesday!

21-23 September Hillary will be away on a course

Week 37 Development Talks
Be sure to get your child before you come to the meetings. They will  be held in the classroom or auditorium (aulan).

Wednesday 14 September  Hagaloppet:  packed lunch and water bottles needed. Dress for the weather.

Week 36

DELICING WEEKEND!!!Check your child's head and use the recommendations from our nurse that was sent out as an email earlier. 

Monday, September 5th - School photos

Week 35
Tuesday 30/8 Parents' Meeting in 2B's classroom  18:00-19:30

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